Sunday, December 12, 2010

What a Weekend!

It all started Friday morning... tea at the Governor's Mansion...
My Mom took my sister and I to the Capitol to have tea at the Governor's Mansion. It was so pretty down there, and had I known it was the right after Cabella's on the freeway we may have gone there sooner! The mansion was lovely and the tea (or champagne and coffee if I'm going to be honest) were very nice as well. My sister sat in the Governor's chair in the dining room as we sipped our coffee from the official Governor's tea set and watched her husband mingle in the living room. A very nice day with my Mom and Sister indeed.
As soon as we got back to Seattle we all parted ways off to the next big adventures. Baby Bubba was staying with Nana and Papa for the night while Dada and I headed back into the city to see The Black Nativity...
This was it's first year in the Moore and we heard it was because the audience had grown so much. Too bad the stage seemed too small now, it just wasn't as good as I remembered it from the Intiman. The singing however was as good as always.

Saturday was the book club family social here so we hopped up and got to work getting ready. When Nana & Papa dropped the Bubs off we put them to work for a little while he napped. He'd already had a big day at the Seattle Center Winterfest checking out all of the fun stuff down there and had opened a few early Christmas presents, lucky guy!
The party started at 3:30 and we had a houseful of people for a few hours while the kids and husbands got to mingle with all of the ladies a bit. We were done by 6:30 just in time for Baby Bubba's bedtime and for everyone to head to the next holiday event. It's a good thing because we were exhausted!
Can you guess what this was?
Today was a day to relax and recoup and decorate and finish the Christmas cards and get Nemo Too a new tank (part of the party prep included a broken fish bowl) and eat leftovers and watch Christmas shows and make a gingerbread house. Baby Bubba was almost to the letter on decorating it just like the picture on the box. Too bad we didn't get all of the same candy they used in the picture, but he got over it when we explained that we got better candy.

All in all it was a great weekend and now we can truly relax, for an hour at least. :)

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