Friday, February 4, 2011

Baking with Mr. Rogers

We had 'cookie making' on our list today since we were signed up to take them to a meeting tonight.  We don't usually have the TV on this time of day but with the projects that I'm working on I needed a little extra help.  When it came time to bake the cookies, Mr. Rogers was just coming on and I was informed 'I've never seen this show before!  Big boys do like this show!'  So we left it on during the mixing part and when he was done with his cookie duties he moved to the living room and was fascinated.  Telling me everything that was happening with the puppets.  Some things just never get old I guess. 

This kid will cook if I have anything to do with it or if he has anything to do with it.  He's off to a great start asking to help with stirring, wanting to smell ingredients, cracking eggs, pretty much anything short of knives and hot things.  Those will come though, those will come.

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