Monday, January 10, 2011

The King's Speech and a Demolition Derby

After a fun four and a half hour baby shower yesterday I got to use a rain check with a friend to see The King's Speech.  Thank goodness, it was so good!  Laugh out loud funny in several parts and Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush were fantastic, perfect for these roles.

The most interesting part of the day was when I got home.  Dada and Bubba had really gotten into their groove and I came home to what Dada normally walks into.  A loud, wild, crazy, somewhat chaotic house and it gave me a headache.  Really, I had to take Tylenol and leave the room from their demolition derby and all of the cheering that was going on.  Dada laughed and said 'Huh, I guess I'm used to it.  Now you know what I feel like on the nights I come home to play time'.  Point taken.  Time to rethink Dada's coming home time.

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